• 30 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 14 Files

  • Start Here

  • Course Calendar

  • Community Access and Zoom Schedule

  • Exclusive TIBN Level: Foundations Workbook

  • Intro to Advocacy in Action

  • Pre-Work pdf

  • Advocacy in Action Video

  • Jessica's Parent Story

  • What's Next?

  • Intro to Conversations with Birthing People

  • Guyshana's Story

  • Part 2: Guyshana's homebirth vs hospital prenatal experience

  • Miranda's Story

  • Amber's Story

  • Cia's Story

  • Kayden's Story

  • What's Next?

  • Intro to Human Rights and OB Mistreatment in Childbirth

  • Human Rights and Obstetrical Mistreatment in Childbirth

  • Post discussion with Cristen and Mandy

  • Kim's Parent Story

  • What's next?!

  • Mid-Point Survey

  • Exclusive TIBN Level: Foundations Workbook Part 2

  • Intro to Leverage Power and Privilege

  • Pansay's Parent Story

  • Advancing Perinatal Justice & Accountability

  • What's Next?

  • Intro to Defend Your Practice

  • Defend Nursing Practice: Professional Considerations & Trauma-Informed Care

  • Kayleigh's Parent Story

  • What's Next?

  • Living Trauma Aware Video

  • What's Next + Post-TIBN Survey [Required]